Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Avery has been quite the little cook lately. Her favorite thing to do (amongst dragging many other things out of the cabinets and drawers) is to pull the apron out and try to put it on. Of course I end up having to do it for her and she proudly wears it around. Her friend Hazen came over this weekend to make Christmas cookies with her. Actually, we baked them and the kids decorated them.

She started off slowly shaking the bottle of sprinkles. I was surprised she didn't just try eating the cookie when I put it down. She managed to get only one side of the gingerbread man well coated :)
Then she started alternating the eating and sprinkling. Yum!
They had so much fun!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am just now getting to a computer with internet access at the library to post the pics. My parents and Pop came to Borger for turkey day so we didn't even have to travel. We got to spend the cold day in our new house and it was great. It felt like we cooked and/or cleaned the whole day, but the meal was well worth it! Here are some pics from the lazy day.
Casey, Pop, my Dad, my Mom, and Avery (still eating)
Miss Priss
The munchkin's favorite part of the meal was Nona's homemade whipped cream - as you can tell.
She insisted on feeding herself - which you can also tell from the pic
She wasn't sure if I wanted her attention for a pic or to take the whipped cream away. She is starring me down :)

I tried to upload a short video too, but is was taking forever and my time limit here is almost up. So no video today. I feel like I'm out of the loop without having my computer to check updates and new blogs during Avery's nap. Hopefully I will be back soon. Happy late Thanksgiving to everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Catching Up

Ok, so obviously I have a lot of catching up to do. We STILL do not have internet at our house so I am still dragging behind on the blogging, but please bear with me as I am about to upload my longest blog entry ever. This weekend we went to Abilene for our nephew's 4th birthday party and Casey's Grandma's 75th birthday party. We had so much fun, but the weekend flew by too quickly as usual. We enjoyed getting to go to church at Pioneer Drive and visit briefly with all our sweet friends whom we miss so much. Here are some pics from Boone's birthday party. The air castle was a big hit!

Avery could bounce all day. She loved falling down while saying "uh oh" and bouncing around.

If you are wondering why Avery is not wearing pants in this picture, it is because she had a disaster in the front yard.
It all happened here.... if you look out from our front porch, this is the view. Avery was pushing her toy car around and insisted on going across the road. Once she was on the other side, I picked up the car to carry it back and it made her sooo mad. She threw herself down and started throwing a fit. Soon I realized that part of the reason she was crying so hard was that she had thrown herself down right in a sticker patch! OUCH! The poor thing.

I know the stickers are hard to see because they are almost the same color as Avery's pants, but there were 88 stickers on the back of her pants! Good thing she had on a diaper. Hopefully she learned her lesson.
We went to Amarillo a couple weekends ago for a Ranch Rodeo. Aver was all over the place.

She is modeling this puffer vest in front of a mirror. What a girl :)

Sleeping with dad - how cute.

Posing once again!

Now for some pictures of the new house. We have enjoyed it so much already. My parents and Pop are coming to have Thanksgiving with us on Thursday. We are excited to host our first meal in the new house.
Living room

Laundry room

Avery's room

Hallway to guest bedroom and Avery's room

Dinning room

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New house

Well sorry to disappoint everyone, but I do not have photos of the new house just yet. We do not have internet at our new house (and yes, I am dying without it) so I just wanted to tell everyone that we are moved in and loving our new house. Despite no internet or satellite yet. It is so much bigger than our duplex and everything is so nice. I will get pics posted as soon as possible!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Morning Fun

Avery is sooo much fun in the mornings. She always wakes up in the best mood and is ready to play! Please excuse most of these pictures as she is in her pajamas and has bed-head hair. I just wanted to show you how fun and sweet she is when she wakes up. I am so glad that I get to experience this happy part of her day all week.

She LOVES her "car" and rides or pushes it around throughout the day. I need to get her another one when we move into our new house and have more room.
She also loves to load the trunk of her car and zoom around. Here she loaded her ball popper (not the quietest toy) and barely has room to sit. Yes, I know that her pajamas don't match here, but we had a little accident on the bottoms and didn't want to change tops too - I'm sure you understand.
I saved this box in case I needed it to pack, but so far Avery has used it as a toy box, car, and wagon for her things. I have just let her play with it instead of packing things in it.
Looks like she found mom's shoes and is wearing them around - not unusual.
I have to brag - she always puts on matching shoes. Even if she finds 2 black pairs - she always matches them and sports the same 2 shoes around.
Well, she is partially dressed in this picture, but escaped before I could get her pants on. She is concentrating so hard on walking in the mommy shoes!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Festival

Last night we went to our church's Fall Festival. Avery had a busy day and actually fell asleep on the way there. You can tell how drowsy she is in most of the pictures, but I think she did have a good time. She was all over the place and loved watching all the other kids. We had to work on waiting our turn and not grabbing handfuls of candy, but other than that, she did great.
Me, Avery, Shawna, and Hazen entered the cake walk, but didn't win :(Avery is so funny about these holes... after she threw her bean bags in, she walked around and stuck her head through the other side. Everyone just laughed!

Hegan, Scooby-Doo (Hazen), our little witch, and Casey.
This was Avery's favorite game. She could splash all night. While Casey was holding her hand to leave she stepped in the pool. Casey's pants were wet the rest of the night from holding her until her shoe dried out.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday I took Avery to a pumpkin patch nearby with a couple ladies from our Sunday School class and their children. The weather was nice and it wasn't too crowded so I basically just followed Avery around while she explored the place. There were some bunnies, ducks, and geese to look at (which Avery loved), tons of pumpkins, corn to play in, bean bag toss, and even a big and small maze for the kids. Avery had a blast and I enjoyed watching her play. Here are some pictures to show her fun day.

Apparently she thought she would just pick the pumpkin herself! She got tripped up alot in the actual pumpkin patch because of all the vines.

The "mini maze." Avery went over several of the hay bales which eliminated the actual point of the maze, but oh well - she was having fun.
Taking a break.
Throwing the corn (after trying to taste it)!

Playing peak-a-BOO! She's so cute :)