Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sonshine Choir

On Sunday Avery's choir class at Pioneer Drive Baptist Church sang for the congregation. She was so sweet and excited to sing praises to God :)
 Papa, Uncle David, Pop, Aunt Karla, and Nona were there to hear Avery sing.

The 4-year-old choir class. Sonshine choir!
Avery and her Daddy! If anyone knows how to rotate on the new blogger PLEASE comment for me. It was vertical on my computer where it was saved and then when I uploaded it - well, you see it is horizontal???


Four said...

ooh so sweet momen ^^ i like

Anonymous said...

visit my site and leave a comment in the exhibition page if you have time www.lucacappai.it I like your blog, I visit it sometimes for the news

Anonymous said...

visit my site and leave a comment in the exhibition page if you have time www.lucacappai.it I like your blog, I visit it sometimes for the news