Monday, August 15, 2011


School is starting again :( I can not believe how fast this summer went by. We had a crazy move from Borger to the Abilene area and have been getting settled in while we enjoy the summer. Here is a look:

Popsicles are a must on hot summer days
And playing outside in the water while you eat popsicles!

Family came to see us. Casey's dad - Dandad - and our niece Bella

Our nephew Boone and Avery riding horses at the house

Avery trotting Cocomo around the hay

At the zoo with Nona on July 4th

Papa and little man

Looking down at the alligator

Playing with friends. Brookelynn Beal pushing Taos at Nona's house

The kids on the tire swing

My best friend Courtney Beal and her sweet girls. Love getting to catch up!

At the pool

Then, the Lord finally sent some rain our way! What a blessing. I was happy for the kids to get out there and play in the mud puddles!

Greasing up the slide with mud makes it go faster!

Avery's puppy Lizzie was all wet and muddy too

Look at those sweet kids! Needless to say, we had one muddy bathtub after all this!

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